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investing in
intersectional incredibles
i³ investing are queering venture capital
Over 50% of founders raised funds at i³ investing's last initiative!

Under-represented, under-estimated, & under-funded. Enter i³.

"Working at the interlock of innovation, investment, and intersectionality, I saw a systemic gap in the market at an economic, political, & community level.
What I have coined as 'Intersectional Incredibles (II)' - describes the innovation, creativity, & resilience that one person's intersectionality can foster. This is particularly true among LGBTQ+ founders, which is why I launched i³.
We are building a Community that interlocks with consciousness VCs to provide Connection to those who want to invest in II with Capital to make a difference."
~ Christian, Founder & CEO
... but don't just take our word for it!
Joint Investing
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